PPC Advertising Key Terms And Concepts
AdCenter MSN’s PPC advertising system.
AdWords Google’s PPC advertising system.
Click-through A click on a link that leads to another web site.
Conversion Rate Actions / Clicks %.
CPA Cost per Action. Paid when a certain action is performed by a user.
CPC Cost per Click. Paid when a link is clicked upon.
CPM Cost per Mil (1000). Amount paid for every 1000 views of an advertisement.
CSV file Comma Separated Values file. This can be used to send databases of information separated into specific column headings.
CTR Click Through Rate: Clicks / Impressions %.
Impression Each time the advert is shown.
Keyword This is a word found within a search query. For example, searching for “blue widgets”
includes the keywords blue and widgets.
Key Phrase Just like keyword, this is simply a multi-word keyword.
Natural Results Search results as determined by the search engine’s algorithm. The search engine does not get paid to list these.
Overture Formerly GoTo.com, bought by Yahoo! and provider of Yahoo!’s PPC advertising. Panama has replaced Overture as the platform that powers Yahoo! Search Marketing.
Panama The platform that powers Yahoo! Search Marketing.
PFI Short for Pay for Inclusion. Used by various search engines that guarantees that your site will be listed in a search engine database. Google is a notable exception that does not ‘offer’ such a service.
PPC Pay Per Click.
PPC Engine ‘Search Engine’ whose results are driven by PPC [paid per click] listings. Essentially all the search results are of CPC type.
Quality Score Google’s basis for determining the minimum bids for keywords, based on relevancy and historical data.
Ranking This refers to the process by which search engines display web sites so that the most relevant web sites appear on the top. Search engine optimisation is a technique by which high rankings may be obtained.
ROI Short for return on investment.
Search Term Another way of saying search query.
SERP Short for Search Engine Results Page, SERPs are the actual results returned to the user based on their search query.
Sponsored Results Search engine results that are paid for by the advertiser.
Traffic This refers to the visitors that visit a web site.
Yahoo! Search Marketing Yahoo!’s PPC advertising, powered by the Panama platform.
XML eXtensible Markup Language.
AdWords Google’s PPC advertising system.
Click-through A click on a link that leads to another web site.
Conversion Rate Actions / Clicks %.
CPA Cost per Action. Paid when a certain action is performed by a user.
CPC Cost per Click. Paid when a link is clicked upon.
CPM Cost per Mil (1000). Amount paid for every 1000 views of an advertisement.
CSV file Comma Separated Values file. This can be used to send databases of information separated into specific column headings.
CTR Click Through Rate: Clicks / Impressions %.
Impression Each time the advert is shown.
Keyword This is a word found within a search query. For example, searching for “blue widgets”
includes the keywords blue and widgets.
Key Phrase Just like keyword, this is simply a multi-word keyword.
Natural Results Search results as determined by the search engine’s algorithm. The search engine does not get paid to list these.
Overture Formerly GoTo.com, bought by Yahoo! and provider of Yahoo!’s PPC advertising. Panama has replaced Overture as the platform that powers Yahoo! Search Marketing.
Panama The platform that powers Yahoo! Search Marketing.
PFI Short for Pay for Inclusion. Used by various search engines that guarantees that your site will be listed in a search engine database. Google is a notable exception that does not ‘offer’ such a service.
PPC Pay Per Click.
PPC Engine ‘Search Engine’ whose results are driven by PPC [paid per click] listings. Essentially all the search results are of CPC type.
Quality Score Google’s basis for determining the minimum bids for keywords, based on relevancy and historical data.
Ranking This refers to the process by which search engines display web sites so that the most relevant web sites appear on the top. Search engine optimisation is a technique by which high rankings may be obtained.
ROI Short for return on investment.
Search Term Another way of saying search query.
SERP Short for Search Engine Results Page, SERPs are the actual results returned to the user based on their search query.
Sponsored Results Search engine results that are paid for by the advertiser.
Traffic This refers to the visitors that visit a web site.
Yahoo! Search Marketing Yahoo!’s PPC advertising, powered by the Panama platform.
XML eXtensible Markup Language.