Keywords in the domain name are crucial

Keywords in the domain name are crucial
Keywords in the domain name are crucial
Keywords in the domain name are crucial. It makes sense to put your primary keywords into your domain name.
Separate multiple keywords like instead of typing it all in one word: This will make it possible for the search engines to understand your keyword phrases correctly.
Character Limit - Keep in mind that Yahoo and some other search engines reject domain submissions with URL's in excess of 54 characters. You would be wise to stay under the 55 character limit when choosing a domain name.
Directories like Yahoo, LookSmart and ODP will not look for keywords in the text of your page, and editors will often edit keywords out of your title and description. This leaves your internet domain name as the single most important place to put keywords for your site.
Too Many Hyphens/Dashes - in a domain name might trigger the spam filters of some search engines.
Yet another benefit of keyword rich domain names is in reciprocal linking. If the domain name keywords appear within the text of incoming links, you will get a major boost in ranking, especially in Google.
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