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tracking and collecting data |
tracking and collecting data
Currently, there are two main technology approaches for collecting web analytics data:
log file analysis and page tagging.
Log file analysis software reads the records, called log files, on the web server, which record all clicks that take place on the server. Web servers have always stored all the clicks which take place in a log file, so the software interprets data which has always been available. A new line is written in a log file with each new request. For example, clicking on a link, an Ajax call or submitting a form will each result in a new line being written.
Page tagging, on the other hand, sends information to a third party server, where statistics can be generated. The browser executes JavaScript code which communicates with the tracking software.
Pixel tracking can be used to track email campaigns. Here, a tiny transparent 1 pixel by 1 pixel is placed in the email. When you load the images in the email, you will also load the tiny image that tracks your activity.
What you should know:
Log file analysis
Log files are normally produced by web servers, so the raw data is readily available. Page tagging, however, requires changes to the web site.
Log files are very accurate – they record every click. Page tagging can be less accurate. If a user’s browser does not support JavaScript, for example, no information will be captured.
Log files are in a standard format, so it is possible to switch vendors and still be able to analyse historical data. Page tagging is proprietary to each vendor, so switching can mean losing historical data.
Log files record visits from search engine spiders – useful for search engine optimisation.
Currently, there are two main technology approaches for collecting web analytics data:
log file analysis and page tagging.
Log file analysis software reads the records, called log files, on the web server, which record all clicks that take place on the server. Web servers have always stored all the clicks which take place in a log file, so the software interprets data which has always been available. A new line is written in a log file with each new request. For example, clicking on a link, an Ajax call or submitting a form will each result in a new line being written.
Page tagging, on the other hand, sends information to a third party server, where statistics can be generated. The browser executes JavaScript code which communicates with the tracking software.
Pixel tracking can be used to track email campaigns. Here, a tiny transparent 1 pixel by 1 pixel is placed in the email. When you load the images in the email, you will also load the tiny image that tracks your activity.
What you should know:
Log file analysis
Log files are normally produced by web servers, so the raw data is readily available. Page tagging, however, requires changes to the web site.
Log files are very accurate – they record every click. Page tagging can be less accurate. If a user’s browser does not support JavaScript, for example, no information will be captured.
Log files are in a standard format, so it is possible to switch vendors and still be able to analyse historical data. Page tagging is proprietary to each vendor, so switching can mean losing historical data.
Log files record visits from search engine spiders – useful for search engine optimisation.
Log files record failed requests, whereas page tagging only shows successful requests.
Page tagging JavaScript makes it easier to capture more information (for example:
products purchased, or screen size of a user’s browser). You can use log file analysis to capture this information, but it will involve modifying the URLs.
Page tagging can report on events, such as interactions with a Flash movie, that log file analysis cannot.
Page tagging can be used by companies that do not run their own web servers.
Page tagging JavaScript makes it easier to capture more information (for example:
products purchased, or screen size of a user’s browser). You can use log file analysis to capture this information, but it will involve modifying the URLs.
Page tagging can report on events, such as interactions with a Flash movie, that log file analysis cannot.
Page tagging can be used by companies that do not run their own web servers.
Page tagging service providers usually offer a greater level of support. This is because it is a third party service, whereas log file analysis software is often managed in-house.
Because of the different methods of collecting data, the raw figures produced by the two services will differ. Sometimes, both are used to analyse a web site. However, raw figures not matching up should not be a problem. It is through interpreting these figures that you will be able to understand how effective your eMarketing efforts are.
Web site analytics packages can be used to measure most, if not all, eMarketing campaigns. Web site analysis should always account for the various campaigns being run. For example, generating high traffic volumes by employing various eMarketing tactics like SEO, PPC and email marketing can prove to be a pointless and costly exercise if the visitors are leaving your site without achieving one (or more) of your web site’s goals. Conversion optimisation aims to convert as many of a web site’s visitors as possible into active customers.
Because of the different methods of collecting data, the raw figures produced by the two services will differ. Sometimes, both are used to analyse a web site. However, raw figures not matching up should not be a problem. It is through interpreting these figures that you will be able to understand how effective your eMarketing efforts are.
Web site analytics packages can be used to measure most, if not all, eMarketing campaigns. Web site analysis should always account for the various campaigns being run. For example, generating high traffic volumes by employing various eMarketing tactics like SEO, PPC and email marketing can prove to be a pointless and costly exercise if the visitors are leaving your site without achieving one (or more) of your web site’s goals. Conversion optimisation aims to convert as many of a web site’s visitors as possible into active customers.